Some advice to boost immune system
Okay by now everyone is panic buying and worried about being stuck at home for a few weeks
This is like anything life if you prepare for it and take necessary precautions you will be ready for it. So here is some practical advice boost your immune system & prevent system spread of covid19;
🎯 Start taking help of vitamins multi vitamin C, A & D you find these in foods like;
Vitamin A - eggs, fish, meat & cod
Vitamin C - spinach, broccoli, kale, peppers, grapefruit & strawberries
Vitamin D - mackerel, salmon but best option is natural ☀️ light, get out for a long walk
Increasing fruit, veg and meat/fish intake will help
🎯 If you go to the gym, as exercise is good to boost immune system especially cardio through boosting T cell count, please DO the following;
✅ bring a towel
✅ wipe down all equipment after use
✅ if you are sick 🤒 don’t go to the gym or if you have cough/sneeze 😷 cover your mouth & nose
✅ wash 🧼 hands thoroughly before using the gym and after
🎯 Get your rest, not getting 7 to 8 hours sleep 😴 a night will cause inflammatory response to the immune system reducing T cells in the body.
🎯 Get our in the sun ☀️- not always common in ireland 🇮🇪 Vitamin D is essential for healthy functioning of the immune system as it helps the body to produce antibodies. Low level of Vitamin D in the body is one causes of respiratory problems. Aim for 20mins to 40mins per day, only if you feel able (if you are sick)
With these little changes to your daily lifestyle & nutrition you can ensure that you improve & maintain healthy immune system
If you need help, just message me
Stay safe